spaceyaan: All About Space

Friday, April 17, 2009

Tree grows inside man's lung

How many times have you swallowed a seed while eating a fruit? Happens to most of us. But what if that seed sprouts in your lung and grows in a plant. Well, yes that's what happened to a man in Moscow who swallowed a seed by mistake and it somehow got nurtured in his lungs and grew in to be a fir plant. Weird!

Twenty years old Artyom Sidorkin, went to doctor complaining of acute chest pain and coughing up blood. Doctors were certain that he has cancer after checking out his x-ray which looked exactly like a normal tumour in lung.

Hence, they decided to perform biopsy, but when they cut the tissue, they were amazed to see a 2 inches fir tree branch touching the man's capillaries, thus causing him sever pain.The branch was finally removed from patient's body. While few believe, Artyom swallowed a seed others think he breathed in a branch while working in the woods, as he studies plants for a living.

We wonder how the plant survived inside his body without any water, carbon di-oxide and sunlight. Whatever it is, we will get the answers soon, as a part of his lung with the fir tree has been preserved for further research.

Till then, follow what mother asked you to, don't swallow the seeds as you eat your fruit.

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